Conformity of the Work Plan with the Budget Implementation Document at the Marine and Fisheries Service of Central Lombok Regency
Central Lombok Marine and Fisheries Service, DPA-SKPD, Work PlanAbstract
The writing of this article is aimed at finding out the suitability of the work plan with the Budget Implementation Document at the Marine and Fisheries Service of Central Lombok Regency by using descriptive qualitative. The results and discussion can be seen from the Details of the DPA Expenditure Activities of the Central Lombok Marine and Fisheries Service has reflected the conformity with the performance of the service which can be seen in the Central Lombok Regent Regulation No. 83 of 2016 concerning the Position, Organizational Structure, Main Tasks and Functions of the Central Lombok Regency Marine and Fisheries Service. As for activities and expenditures that are samples are Expenditure on Fishing Management activities in Rivers, Lakes, Reservoirs, Swamps, and Other Reservoirs that can be Pursued in 1 (one) Regency/City Region with official travel expenses, Small Fishermen Empowerment Activities in the Regency/City Region with competition prize spending, and Small Fish Cultivation Empowerment Activities with fish health and environmental management training expenses.
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