Factors Influencing The Income Of Fiber Trinket Craft Business In Bresela Village, Payangan District
Capital, Manpower, Business Age, Technology, IncomeAbstract
Bresela Village, Payangan District is one of the centers of household craft industry in Gianyar Regency. One type of craft that is widely produced in this village is dulang craft . Most of the people of Bresela Village work as Dulang Fiber craftsmen, which is around 60 percent of the 563 heads of families in Bresela Village. However, on the other hand, there is a problem faced by the craftsmen, namely the average income between craftsmen in Bresela Village fluctuates. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of capital, labor, length of business and technology simultaneously and partially on the income of dulang fiber craft businesses in Bresela Village, Payangan District. This research was conducted in Bresela Village, Payangan District because Bresela Village is the center of the largest dulang fiber craft industry in Payangan District. The number of samples used in this study was 56, using the proportional random sampling technique . Data were collected through observation and interviews using questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, it shows that capital, labor, business period and technology simultaneously have a significant effect on the income of fiber tray craft businesses in Bresela Village, Payangan District. Partially, capital, labor and technology have a positive and significant effect on the income of fiber tray craft businesses in Bresela Village, Payangan District, while the length of business does not affect the income of fiber tray craft businesses in Bresela Village, Payangan District. The implications that must be taken are to increase capital, labor, and technology and add new innovations to the products being marketed.
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