The Influence of Career Development on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Employee Engagement as a Mediating Variable
(Study on Employees of Vila Lumbung Hotel)
Organizational citizenship behavior, career development, employee engagementAbstract
The organization will be successful if employees do not only do their main tasks but are also willing to do extra tasks, such as working together, helping each other, giving advice, participating actively, providing extra services to service users, and using their working time effectively. The purpose of this study is to explain the influence of career development on organizational citizenship behavior; the influence of career development on employee engagement; the influence of employee engagement on organizational citizenship behavior; and the role of employee engagement in mediating the influence of career development on organizational citizenship behavior of Hotel Vila Lumbung employees. The sampling method in this study was saturated sampling. The sample involved in the study was 58 people. The analysis techniques used were path analysis, Sobel test and VAF test. The results of the study showed that career development had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior; career development had a positive and significant effect on employee engagement; employee engagement had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior; employee engagement was able to fully mediate the influence of career development on organizational citizenship behavior. The practical implications of this study are able to provide practical contributions as considerations for Hotel Vila Lumbung management in improving career development and employee engagement so as to improve the organizational citizenship behavior of Hotel Vila Lumbung employees.
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