Sosialisasi Sertifikasi Halal Bagi Pelaku UMKM Di Pantai Depok Kabupaten Bantul


  • Elza Qorina Pangestika Universitas Widya Mataram
  • Tommy Satriadi Nur Arifin Universitas Widya Mataram



Depok Beach, Halal certification, UMKM, Micro and Small Entrepreneurs


Issuance of Minister of Religion Regulation No. 20 of 2021 on September 14 2021 concerning halal certification for MSEs requires all business actors to process their business products in accordance with Islamic law and have proof of a halal certificate. In terms of implementation, this policy certainly faces various problems, especially those felt by MSEs, including at Depok Beach, Bantul Regency. The aim of this community service activity is to increase knowledge and application of halal certification for MSMEs in Depok Beach, Bantul Regency. The implementation method for this community service activity uses the method of visiting the community, then providing socialization one by one.   The output of this community service activity is in the form of activity videos, news coverage on campus and LLDikti websites, as well as accredited national journals.


A Charity, May Lim, 2017, Jaminan Produk Halal Di Indonesia (Halal Products Guarantee In Indonesia), Jurnal Legilasi Indonesia , Vol. 14, No. 01, 2017.

Hayyun Durotul Faridah, Sertifikasi Halal di Indonesia:Sejarah, Perkembangan, dan Implementasi. Journal of Halal Product and Research, Vol. 2, Nomor 2, (2019).

Kabupaten Bantul, Sekilas Kabupaten Bantul, diakses pada 27 Mei 2024 pukul 13.30 WIB.

Neti Istimewa Rukmana, Kemenag Bantul Dorong Sertifikasi Halal pada Produk UMKM Sesuai Kebijakan Kemenag RI, diakses pada 21 Mei 2024 pukul 13.50 WIB.

Peraturan Menteri Agama (PMA) Nomor 20 Tahun 2021 pada tanggal 14 September 2021 tentang sertifikasi halal bagi Pelaku Usaha Mikro dan Kecil.

PP Nomor 31 Tahun 2019 tentang peraturan pelaksanaan UU No. 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Jaminan Produk Halal.

Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.

UU Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Jaminan Produk Halal.



How to Cite

Elza Qorina Pangestika, & Tommy Satriadi Nur Arifin. (2024). Sosialisasi Sertifikasi Halal Bagi Pelaku UMKM Di Pantai Depok Kabupaten Bantul. Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat, 2(2), 134–142.