Kabar Masyarakat2025-02-25T15:52:55+08:00Rafael Ardian Fahrezirafaelardian39@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div style="border: 3px #086338 Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #f6a410; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title</strong>: JURNAL KABAR MASYARAKAT</li> <li><strong>Initials</strong>: JKB</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong>: Februari, Mei, Agustus dan November</li> <li><strong>Print ISSN</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-6337</a></li> <li><strong>Online ISSN</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-7724</a></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dr. Heru Yulianto, SE., M.M.</a></li> <li><strong>DOI</strong>: 10.54066</li> <li><strong>Publisher</strong>: Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang</li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>JURNAL KABAR MASYARAKAT :</strong> adalah jurnal yang menerbitkan artikel-artikel penelitian sebagai hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang telah memiliki Nomor E-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-7724</a> dan P-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-6337</a>. Focus dan Scope pada bidang pendidikan, Hukum, Ekonomi, Humaniora, Teknik, Pertanian, Komunikasi, Kesehatan, dan Rekayasa. <strong>JURNAL KABAR MASYARAKAT </strong>memuat publikasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, model atau konsep dan atau implementasinya dalam rangka peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan, pemberdayaan masyarakat atau pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Jurnal ini diterbitkan 4 kali setahun: <strong>Februari, Mei, Agustus dan November</strong>.</p> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Indexed by:</strong></p> <div> <table style="height: 40px;" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 125px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="131" height="49" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"><a title="garuda" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="480" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1536" height="576" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1536" height="576" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 125px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1536" height="576" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Sponsor and Partner:</strong></p> <div> <table style="height: 40px;" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 125px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="w3-image" src="" width="200" height="75" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="w3-image" src="" width="200" height="75" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 125px;"><a title="yayasandpi" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="w3-image" src="" width="200" height="75" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"><a title="ifrel" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="w3-image" src="" width="200" height="75" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"><a title="lpkd" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="w3-image" src="" width="200" height="75" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"><a title="doi.apji" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="200" height="75" /></a></td> <td style="width: 125px;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> Etika Bisnis dalam Menjalankan Bisnis pada UMKM Kerupuk Ibu Ramlah2025-01-08T18:38:53+08:00Kartin Apriantikartinaprianti93@gmail.comNaurah Islami Pashanauraislamipasha.stie.bima21@gmail.comPuput Jahsinia<p><em>The implementation of business ethics has become a crucial element in running a business, including at the scale of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This study aims to analyze the application of business ethics in the operations of the Kerupuk Ibu Ramlah MSME. The study explores ethical business principles such as honesty, responsibility, transparency, and fairness, as applied in production, marketing, and relationships with consumers and business partners.The method offered to partners/MSMEs includes education/socialization through the use of leaflets, delivered door-to-door. The material provided in the leaflet covers the following topics: (1) The Role of Ethics in Business for MSME actors, (2) The Benefits of Ethics in Business for MSME actors, and (3) The Application of Ethical Principles in Business in financial, marketing, production, and human resource activities. However, challenges such as limited knowledge and resources affect the consistency of implementing business ethics. This study concludes that the implementation of business ethics contributes positively to the sustainability and reputation of MSMEs and recommends enhancing understanding and training in business ethics to strengthen business competitiveness.</em></p>2025-01-13T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Peran Remaja dalam Mencegah Stunting Melalui Siaran RRI Pro 1 Cirebon Kerja Sama dengan Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah Kabupaten Cirebon2025-01-30T01:38:23+08:00Marwati<p><em>Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that has a broad impact on children's physical and cognitive development, and contributes to the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition. Teenagers have a strategic role in preventing stunting because they are future parents. This community service activity aims to increase teenagers' knowledge about stunting, the importance of balanced nutrition, as well as risk factors and prevention of stunting. Counseling was carried out via broadcast on RRI Pro 1 Cirebon in collaboration with the Aisyiyah Regional Leadership of Cirebon Regency. The methods used include lectures and question and answer sessions guided by radio broadcasters. The results of the activity show an increase in teenagers' understanding of healthy lifestyles and the importance of balanced nutrition in preventing stunting. Through their role as agents of change, teenagers are expected to be able to disseminate information and contribute to creating a healthier and more productive generation. Involving teenagers in efforts to prevent stunting is a strategic step in improving the quality of public health in a sustainable manner.</em></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Budaya Perilaku Positif dan Self Awareness Siswa: Kampanye 'Teman Baik Tidak Membully'2025-01-31T14:53:25+08:00Puspita Devidevi.fisipunbara@gmail.comFida Syainadevi.fisipunbara@gmail.comFadhil Dzaki Agawandevi.fisipunbara@gmail.comYuni Saftikadevi.fisipunbara@gmail.comAhmad Danidevi.fisipunbara@gmail.comFemas Okta<p><em>This community service activity aims to build a culture of positive behavior among students through the "Good Friends Don't Bully" campaign implemented at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Baitul Hikmah, Sri Mulya Village, Ogan Komering Ulu. This campaign aims to increase students' awareness of the negative impacts of bullying and the importance of establishing healthy friendships and supporting a harmonious learning environment. The methods used in this program include educational activities such as counseling, simulations, interactive games, and group discussions designed to increase students' empathy and understanding of the importance of respecting friends. In addition, training for teachers was also conducted to strengthen their role in preventing and handling bullying cases. The results of the activity showed an increase in students' understanding of the concept of bullying and its impacts, as well as the emergence of positive behavioral changes reflected in students' social interactions in the school environment. Teachers also responded positively to this program and are committed to continuing efforts to prevent bullying. With this program, it is hoped that a more positive school culture will be created and support the development of students' character holistically, as well as reduce the number of bullying behaviors in the madrasah environment.</em></p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Pengendalian Hipertensi Melalui Program Konselor di Dusun Pabuaran Desa Karyamukti Kecamtan Pataruman Kota Banjar Tahun 20252025-02-01T12:16:54+08:00Vina Sabrinavnacantik123@gmail.comMala Nuraenivnacantik123@gmail.comRini Handrianivnacantik123@gmail.comAlika Arifiyani Ferbiantivnacantik123@gmail.comNazwa Salsabilavnacantik123@gmail.comZilfa Auliyaa Faidahvnacantik123@gmail.comRisma Amelia Putrivnacantik123@gmail.comRafila Jauza Marshandavnacantik123@gmail.comNawal Nur Ramadhanivnacantik123@gmail.comZenia Earlene Tommy Musliminvnacantik123@gmail.comNinda Aulia Fitrianivnacantik123@gmail.comMuchamad Rihan Subagjavnacantik123@gmail.comYuldan<p><em>Hypertension is a non-communicable disease whose prevalence continues to increase in Indonesia, including in Pabuaran Hamlet, Karyamukti Village, Pataruman Sub-district, Banjar City. This disease is known as the silent killer because it often does not show clear symptoms but can cause serious complications such as stroke and cardiovascular disease. Based on the results of community diagnosis in Pabuaran Hamlet, it was found that the prevalence of hypertension in this area reached 87.8% with high salt food consumption as the main risk factor. To overcome this problem, an intervention was conducted through the Konselor (Hypertension Control with Moringa Leaves) program, which aims to prevent and control hypertension by utilizing moringa leaves to reduce the effects of consuming high-salt foods. This program collaborates with Pataruman 2 Puskesmas through the Sakalor (Saimah Sakelor) program and involves various parties such as PKK cadres, especially Pokja IV, Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL), Women Farmers Group (KWT), and village government. The counselor's intervention activities include health education through counseling on healthy eating patterns, demonstrations on processing moringa leaves into herbal tea and procedures for planting moringa plants, as well as distribution of moringa plant seeds and leaflets to the community. The method used in developing the program uses SWOT analysis to identify internal and external factors, and the preparation of a Plan of Action (POA) as an implementation guide. The evaluation results showed that the Counselor program increased community awareness about the importance of hypertension control and how to use moringa leaves. However, several obstacles were faced, such as unoptimal community participation, uneven distribution of leaflets, and limited supporting facilities. Nevertheless, the program succeeded in initiating changes in community behavior in healthy consumption patterns. In conclusion, the Counselor Program can be an effective intervention model in community-based hypertension control. It is hoped that this program can be sustainable with the support of various stakeholders and increased community participation in implementing a healthy lifestyle, so that the incidence of hypertension in Pabuaran Hamlet can be significantly reduced in the long term.</em></p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Kapasitas Paralegal dalam Pemberian Bantuan Hukum di Desa Deme Dua dan Desa Bubalango Berdasarkan Peraturan Menkumham No. 1 Tahun 20182025-02-02T11:53:13+08:00Roy Marthen<p><em>The provision of legal aid is a fundamental right for every citizen, as regulated in Law No. 16/2011 on Legal Aid. However, the limited number of advocates in rural areas such as Deme Dua and Bubalango Villages makes access to justice for the poor difficult. MOLHR Regulation No. 1/2018 recognizes the role of paralegals in assisting the provision of legal aid, both litigation and non-litigation. This research aims to increase the capacity of paralegals to play a more effective role in helping communities access justice. The research method used was a qualitative approach with observation, interviews, and case study-based training. The results showed that improving paralegals' legal understanding and advocacy skills contributed significantly to expanding access to legal aid in the region. In conclusion, strengthening the capacity of paralegals can be an alternative solution in overcoming the limitations of legal services in rural areas.</em></p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Program Bank Sampah untuk Mengatasi Masalah ISPA Akibat Pembakaran Sampah di Desa Karyamukti Kota Banjar Tahun 20252025-02-03T15:22:26+08:00Siti Fatimahpblniscalaparama@gmail.comSyahla Rahmah Ainun Nisapblniscalaparama@gmail.comRiana Pramujipblniscalaparama@gmail.comNeng Dila Husnunisapblniscalaparama@gmail.comDevina Tiara Safitripblniscalaparama@gmail.comZahra Bilqis Syahidahpblniscalaparama@gmail.comMarshanda Dariantipblniscalaparama@gmail.comRaisa Azkia Utamipblniscalaparama@gmail.comSyifa Rahmawatipblniscalaparama@gmail.comNazwa Rahmadina Ghinastirarpblniscalaparama@gmail.comMuhammad Defrian Muldanipblniscalaparama@gmail.comRifa Ajrina Faisalpblniscalaparama@gmail.comAndik<p><em>This community service program aims to raise awareness among residents of RW 04 Dusun Cigadung, Desa Karyamukti, about proper waste management. Through the waste bank program, the community is encouraged to sort and recycle inorganic waste, turning it into an economic asset. The methods used include participatory dialogue, socialization, training, and partnerships with the Central Waste Bank. The results indicate an increase in community understanding of waste management, the establishment of a waste bank management structure, and active participation of residents in collecting and weighing waste. This program is expected to be sustainable and serve as a solution to reduce environmental pollution while improving community welfare.</em></p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Pembuatan Akun Media Sosial Bisnis Pada Penenun Ulos di Desa Sigaol Kecamatan Uluan, Kabupaten Toba2025-02-02T21:54:41+08:00Romindo M<p><em>Ulos cloth is a piece of woven fabric from handicrafts made by women with various patterns and rules. In making ulos, it is done in the same way, but the difference is the name, style or moitf and the nature of the position of its use adjusted to the type of traditional ceremony. Social media and marketing through social media is very important for SMEs because the operational costs of using social media are relatively low. Social media has the potential to help Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in marketing goods and services. The purpose of this training is to invite and train Ulos weavers in Sigaol Porsea Village in utilizing social media as a medium for marketing and promoting the ulos produced. The social media used are Facebook and Instagram. The result of this training is that Ulos weavers in Sigaol Porsea Village began to understand the benefits of social media marketing such as Facebook and Instagram and will use it as a promotional and marketing media Marketing using social media is one of the marketing strategies that can be used by MSME actors to build networks via the internet. Thus, Ulos weavers in Sigaol village can reach a wider market in marketing the Ulos weaving produced. </em></p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Limbah Botol Plastik : Mengubah Sampah Menjadi Rupiah2025-02-08T10:30:20+08:00Muhamad Haqqi Maulanakkn.blondo2@gmail.comNazwa Cintana Hezzel Wibowokkn.blondo2@gmail.comNovi Puspitasarikkn.blondo2@gmail.comM. Fajar Ardi P.kkn.blondo2@gmail.comRizky Luky Oktafandikkn.blondo2@gmail.comCinditya Wahyu Infantrikkn.blondo2@gmail.comArif Rizal Abadikkn.blondo2@gmail.comDiyan Sri Wahyuningsihkkn.blondo2@gmail.comArya Narinda Wkkn.blondo2@gmail.comRiski<p><em>The Community Service Program (KKN) aims to enhance the community’s awareness and ability to improve welfare and quality of life, as well as to contribute to the development of the target area. One of the issues faced by Blondo Village is the abundant plastic bottle waste. A potential solution to address this issue is by repurposing plastic bottle waste into products with market value. This approach not only helps reduce excessive plastic waste but also improves the local economy. Therefore, KKN Untidar Blondo Village, Period II, Academic Year 2024/2025, organized a socialization program on recycling plastic bottles, turning waste into economic value. This program seeks to tackle the issue of excessive plastic bottle waste. With proper knowledge and training on waste management, plastic waste will no longer be a concerning problem.</em></p>2025-02-08T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut pada Remaja2025-02-13T10:53:24+08:00Erni Susanty Tahirdrgsusantahir14@gmail.comPuput<p><em>The results of the Basic Health Research (2018) stated that the Indonesian population who have dental and oral problems aged 10-18 years are 61.9% and those aged >18 years are 54.2%. In Central Java Province, there are 56.7% of the population who experience dental and oral problems. Dental problems that often occur in Indonesia are cavities, missing or extracted teeth, filled teeth, and loose teeth. The age group of 10-18 years who experience cavities is 48.5%, missing or extracted teeth is 29%, filled teeth is 4.2%, and loose teeth is 15.9%, and those aged >18 years who experience cavities is 38.6%, missing or extracted teeth is 30.6%, filled teeth is 3.1%, and loose teeth is 15.5%. The results of a survey conducted on 22 teenagers living in Gentan Village on November 10, 2024 obtained data on the condition of dental and oral health and hygiene with an average OHI-S value of 4.9 with criteria (bad) with (DI = 2.4, CI = 2.3) this figure is very high because for good criteria it is 0-1.2 and the DMF-T figure is 1.2 with criteria (low). The implementation method is OHI-S examination, filling out questionnaires, oral gymnastics, prokesgisia gymnastics and counseling. Community service is carried out through interviews and training.</em></p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Kemasan pada Usaha Beras Jagung di Desa Pabuaran, Kec. Bantar Bolang, Kab. Pemalang2025-02-13T14:36:11+08:00Imam Farah Sigit Rima Nur Tri<p><em>Community service activities (Abdimas) were carried out on July 30, 2023 with the topic of Making Packaging in the Business Jagung Rice in Pabuaran Village, Bantar Bolang District, Pemalang The background of the problems in this village is the lack of knowledge about techniques to market Corn Rice to a wider market. The purpose of this community service is to provide guidance on packaging techniques for homemade Jagung Rice products to become superior products of local wisdom of the Pabuaran community. The community service method is carried out with a participatory and educational approach, involving 10 residents, namely housewives. As a result of this service, the mothers can make better product packaging.</em></p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Pemasaran dan Manajemen Usaha UMKM Younie Craft di Kelurahan Tegalrejo, Kota Salatiga2025-02-21T14:44:36+08:00Pratiwi Jatining Devi Arsita Agtrid Koni<p><em>Tegalrejo Village, located in Argomulyo District, Salatiga City, has great potential in developing the local economy through the MSME sector. One of the MSMEs that is growing rapidly is Younie Craft, which produces handicraft products. However, this MSME faces various challenges, such as limited marketing, ineffective financial management, and limitations in operational management. For this reason, the Community Empowerment Practical Lecture (KPPM) program was carried out with the aim of providing assistance and solutions to overcome the problems that exist in Younie Craft. This assistance includes digital marketing training, simple bookkeeping, product innovation, and workspace layout arrangement to improve operational efficiency. The method used in this activity involves three stages, namely: (1) Preparation, which includes meetings with MSME owners and location observations; (2) Problem Analysis and Identification, where the team identifies key problems such as digital marketing, bookkeeping, product innovation, and layout arrangement; 3) Implementation, which includes providing solutions in the form of training and assistance in the fields of digital marketing, bookkeeping, product innovation, and layout arrangement. The results of this activity show significant improvements in terms of marketing through digital platforms, more structured financial management, and increased product quality and workspace efficiency. With this program, Younie Craft UMKM can increase competitiveness, expand the market, and make a positive contribution to the local economy in Tegalrejo Village.</em></p> <p> </p>2025-02-21T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Usaha Produksi Mie Kering dan Basah di UMKM Lampionmas Banjaran, Kecamatan Taman, Kabupaten Pemalang2025-02-25T15:52:55+08:00Tri Handayanitrihandayani94@ymail.comHendra Hendratrihandayani94@ymail.comLavin Roro Shasitatrihandayani94@ymail.comLaili Ismatun Ningsihtrihandayani94@ymail.comCitra Karisma Devianitrihandayani94@ymail.comDian Arbainatrihandayani94@ymail.comOlivia<p><em>The UMKM that is the object of Team 3's community service activities is the UMKM "Mie Lampionmas" located on Jalan Bali No. 92 RT 03/RW 06 Banjaran Taman-Pemalang, Central Java. This UMKM produces semi-finished food ingredients, namely wet noodles and dry noodles. The purpose of implementing this community service activity is to provide assistance in business development in UMKM by identifying problems that exist in UMKM, and trying to provide alternative solutions. After conducting the observation stage, several problems were found faced by UMKM, including not having a production process video, the appearance of social media and e-commerce is not attractive, the business location is not listed on Google Maps, the P-IRT has expired, the logo is not attractive, does not have an organizational structure and business profile, the business banner is not suitable for use, does not have a price list (catalog), promotional materials, pamphlets and promotional videos, has not determined the HPP clearly and simple financial reports. After carrying out the observation stage, several business development assistance programs were formulated, including making videos of the production and promotion process, optimizing social media and e-commerce, creating Google Maps locations, extending P-IRT and updating passwords, updating logos, creating organizational structures, profiles and creating new banners, creating price lists (catalogs), pamphlet promotions, calculating COGS, recording simple financial reports. After analyzing and applying the KKU program to the MSMEs, it resulted in positive impacts, including the MSMEs having videos for promotional materials, attractive social media and e-commerce displays, having location points on Google Maps, valid P-IRT and being able to log into the OSS account again, having a logo, organizational structure, business profile, banner, price list, promotional pamphlet, and calculating COGS and clear financial reports.</em></p>2025-02-25T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat