MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI2025-02-15T09:29:50+08:00Rafael Ardian Fahrezirafaelardian39@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div style="border: 3px #086338 Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #47969d; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title</strong>: JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI</li> <li><strong>Initials</strong>: JMBE</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong>: January, April, July and October</li> <li><strong>Print ISSN</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-590X</a></li> <li><strong>Online ISSN</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-5918</a></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dr. Heru Yulianto, SE., M.M.</a></li> <li><strong>DOI</strong>: 10.54066</li> <li><strong>Publisher</strong>: Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang</li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI : </strong>focuses on publishing high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of research, problems and the latest developments in the field of Management Science. Topics in this journal relate to any aspect of management, but are not limited to the following topics : Human Resource Management , Financial Management, Marketing Management, Public Sector Management, Operational Management, Supply Chain Management, Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Management Accounting and Capital Markets and investment. This journal is Published 1 year 4 times (<strong>January, April, July and October</strong>)</p> <div> <p><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Indexed by:</strong></p> </div> <div> <table style="height: 133px;" width="688"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a title="garuda" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="480" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.3px;"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.3px;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) untuk Menilai Kelayakan Investasi pada Saham Indeks IDX30 di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tahun 2019-20232025-02-07T12:02:29+08:00Febi Amelia Putrifebyamel16@gmail.comNurman NurmanNurman@gmail.comAnnisa Paramaswary AslamAnnisa@gmail.comAnwar RamliRamli@gmail.comAnwar<p><em>This study aims to assess the feasibility of investing in stocks included in the IDX30 index using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). By analyzing 53 stocks from various i</em><em>ndustries categorized on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).</em><em> through historical stock data for the period 2019 to 2023, this study evaluates individual return (Ri), systematic risk (beta/β), and expected return or E(Ri). The analysis results show that overall these stocks provide a positive return of 0.00658 which indicates that these stocks are profitable for investors. However, there were 19 stocks that experienced negative returns, where the stock of PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk. (WSBP) recorded the lowest return of -2.511%. In contrast, the stock of PT Bank Jago Tbk (ARTO) recorded the highest return of 15.902%. In terms of systematic risk, the majority of stocks have beta values less than 1 (β < 1), indicating that these stocks are defensive in nature with low correlation to the market. Based on the grouping using CAPM, 25 stocks are categorized as undervalued stocks that are worth buying and retaining, while the other 28 stocks are categorized as overvalued stocks that should be avoided or sold by investors. This research provides guidance for investors in making investment decisions based on CAPM analysis.</em></p>2025-02-07T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI Program Kesejahteraan Karyawan dan Dampaknya terhadap Produktivitas Usaha (UMKM) Kripik Balado Salsabila2025-02-13T10:28:52+08:00Olyvia Uqya Marlenuqyaolyvia@gmail.comPopi AnugerahAnugerah@gmail.comM Fahri Suryadi FathanFathan@gmail.comVicky Brama<p><em>This research aims to analyze the implementation of employee welfare programs and their impact on business productivity at the UMKM Kripik Balado Salsabila. Employee welfare programs include providing incentives, work facilities, training and a supportive work atmosphere. The research results show that the implementation of employee welfare programs significantly increases employee motivation, loyalty and performance. This increase has a positive impact on business productivity, as can be seen from production efficiency and increased turnover. This study concludes that employee welfare programs are a strategic investment for UMKM to achieve sustainability and competitiveness in the market.</em></p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI Promosi, Kualitas Pelayanan dan Suasana Toko Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi pada Konsumen Toko Buku Gramedia Cabang Plaza Bintaro di Tangerang Selatan)2025-02-13T12:10:10+08:00Satrio Widhi Nugrohosatriowidhi29@gmail.comAgus<p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion, service quality and store atmosphere on purchasing decisions at the Gramedia Bookstore in Plaza Bintaro. The population in this study were consumers of the Gramedia Bookstore in Plaza Bintaro who made purchases. The sample in this study amounted to 100 respondents. The data were processed using the help of the SPSS 26 statistical analysis program and Microsoft Excel 2013. The results of the study were that promotion, service quality and store atmosphere partially had a significant effect on purchasing decisions at the Gramedia Bookstore in Plaza Bintaro.</em></p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI Influence of Competence and Patient Satisfaction to the Employee Per-formance through Service Quality at Community Health Center in Ternate City2025-02-13T17:11:51+08:00Rabiatul<p><em>The Influence of Competence and Patient Satisfaction on Employee Performance Through Service Quality at Health Centers in Ternate City. (supervised by Tajuddin Malik and Gunawan Ilyas). This study aims to (1) analyze the influ-ence of competence on service quality at Health Centers in Ternate City; (2) analyze the influence of patient satisfac-tion on service quality at Health Centers in Ternate City; (3) analyze the influence of competence on employee perfor-mance at Health Centers in Ternate City; (4) analyze the influence of patient satisfaction on employee performance at Health Centers in Ternate City; (5) analyze the influence of service quality on employee performance at Health Centers in Ternate City; (6) analyze the influence of competence on employee performance through service quality at Health Centers in Ternate City; (7) analyze the influence of patient satisfaction on employee performance through service quality at Health Centers in Ternate City This study was conducted at 11 Health Centers in Ternate City. The sample used Maximum Likelihood Estimation and proportional random sampling. All samples amounted to 100 respondents at the research location xxx. The data collection method used was direct interviews with the parties involved in the prob-lem being discussed and providing questionnaires to patients in accordance with the research being conducted. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of the analysis showed that (1) compe-tence influenced the quality of service at the Health Center in Ternate City; (2) patient satisfaction influenced the quali-ty of service at the Health Center in Ternate City; (3) competence influenced employee performance at the Health Cen-ter in Ternate City; (4) patient satisfaction influenced employee performance at the Health Center in Ternate City; (5) service quality influenced employee performance at the Health Center in Ternate City; (6) competence influenced em-ployee performance through service quality at the Health Center in Ternate City; (7) patient satisfaction influenced employee performance through service quality at the Health Center in Ternate City</em></p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI Influence Of Work Ability And Public Perception On Employee Performance Through The Quality Of Health Services In Community Health Center In Ternate City2025-02-13T17:37:09+08:00Ferial<p><em>The influence of work ability and public perception on employee performance through the quality of health services at the Community Health Center in Ternate City, supervised by Jamaluddin B. Ilyas and Tajuddin Malik, The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of work ability and public perception on em-ployee performance through the quality of health services at the Community Health Center in Ternate City. The research method used is a quantitative analysis method with data collection through the distribution of observations, interviews, questionnaires and document reviews then processed in the form of a frequency dis-tribution table. The sampling technique uses proportional samples. The population in this study were all patients who were treated at the Community Health Center in Ternate City, the total sample was 100 respondents. The results of the study indicate that the variables Work ability (X1), Community perception variable (X2), Health service quality variable (Z1), Employee performance variable (Y1) have a direct and indirect influence in im-proving the quality of health services and employee performance at the Community Health Center in Ternate City.</em></p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI Promosi, Citra Merek, dan E-Service Quality terhadap Keputusan Pembelian2025-02-14T15:46:30+08:00Abdullah Khalil Mukhtarkhalilmukhtar68@gmail.comAgus<p><em>This study aims to determine whether promotion influence purchase decisions, brand image influence purchase decisions, e-service quality influence purchase decisions. This research includes quantitative research. The research sample used incidental sampling with a total of 99 respondents. Data were analyzed with SPSS 30. The result of this study were that promotion had an effect on purchase decisions, brand image had an effect on purchase decisions, e-service quality not had an effect on purchase decisions.</em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI Profitabilitas, Solvabilitas dan Likuiditas terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan 2025-02-15T09:29:50+08:00Jihan Salsabilahjihansalsbilah@gmail.comWastam Wahyu<p><em>This research aims to find out whether profitability, solvency and liquidity influence company performance. The population in this research is property & real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique used in this research is the purposive sampling method. The samples used in this research were property & real estate issuers, totaling 75 samples. This research uses secondary data obtained from the official website of the Indonesian Stock Exchange, namely The analysis method used used the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 25. The research hypothesis was tested using descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis tests and hypothesis testing. The results obtained in this research indicate that (1) profitability has a significant effect on company performance (2) solvency has a significant effect on company performance (3) liquidity has no effect on company performance.</em></p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS EKONOMI