Penggunaan Model Deep Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Dalam Aplikasi Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine LearningAbstract
The use of deep learning models has become a major focus in optimizing the efficiency of machine learning applications. This research discusses various deep learning models that can be applied to improve efficiency in the context of machine learning applications. These models are designed to handle the complexity of machine learning tasks with a high level of accuracy while still considering aspects of computational efficiency. This article involves an in-depth look at several deep learning models that have proven effective in various application domains. Discussion includes the use of convolutional neural network (CNNs) models for image processing, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for sequential data, and transformer-based models for natural language processing tasks. In addition, deep learning model tuning and optimization strategies, such as pruning and quantization, are also discussed to improve the efficient use of computing resources. This research identifies challenges and opportunities in integrating these deep learning models into machine learning applications with maximum efficiency. By considering the need for accuracy and limited computational resources, this research provides a holistic view of the approaches that can be applied to deal with complexity in diverse machine learning scenarios. The results are expected to provide a significant contribution to the development of efficient and effective machine learning applications.
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