Integrasi Artificial Intelegent Berbasis Sistem Operasi Android pada Smart Home


  • Rakhmadi Rahman Institut Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Parepare
  • Achmad Haikal Fikri Institut Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Parepare
  • Kelsia Nelsia Institut Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Parepare



Artificial Intelligence, smart home, Android, data security, energy management, IoT devices


This study explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into smart home systems using the Android operating system to enhance security, privacy, efficiency, and user comfort. Key security measures include data encryption, robust authentication methods, sandboxing, and AI integration, specifically leveraging Google Assistant for improved privacy controls. Maintenance strategies for smart homes emphasize energy management, device condition monitoring, and enhanced safety features. AI adaptation to user habits enhances productivity and situational awareness, while Android's role in connecting various IoT devices facilitates remote control and energy-efficient recommendations. Methods such as Eco Android, Greensource, byte-code transformations, and automated energy diagnosis tools aid in optimizing energy use. The comparison between smart and non-smart homes highlights the efficiency and convenience of smart homes despite higher installation costs and potential network issues. The development and deployment of an Android-based application, SafeHause, exemplifies practical implementation, emphasizing end-to-end testing, security updates, and user education. The findings affirm that AI integration with Android significantly improves the smart home experience by enhancing energy optimization, data security, and personalized user interaction. Furthermore, the study discusses future trends in smart home technology, such as the potential for more advanced AI algorithms and machine learning techniques to provide even greater personalization and automation. The importance of regular software updates and the role of user feedback in refining smart home systems are also highlighted, ensuring that these technologies continue to evolve and meet user needs effectively.



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How to Cite

Rakhmadi Rahman, Achmad Haikal Fikri, & Kelsia Nelsia. (2024). Integrasi Artificial Intelegent Berbasis Sistem Operasi Android pada Smart Home. Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi Dan Sains, 2(2), 184–194.