Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja dan Pengembangan Karir Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Bank Tabungan Negara Kantor Cabang Jakarta Melawai
Work Discipline, Career Development, Employee PerformanceAbstract
Company performance is very dependent on the employees themselves. Therefore, personnel requires a lot of attention from management, one of wich is the discipline of each employee, work performance, and career development potential. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. With a sample size of 70 people. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The results of the research show that there is a partially significant influence between work discipline on employee performance, this is proven based on the results of partial tests or examinations with a total probability value of 0.000 < 0.05 and a calculated t value. > t table namely r 5.287 > 1.99601. There is a partially significant influence between career development and employee performance, this is proven based on the results of partial tests or examinations with a probability value of 0.000 < 0.05 and a calculated value > t table, namely 4.213 > 1.99601. There is a significant and simultaneous influence between work discipline and career development on employee performance at PT Bank Tabungan Negara Jakarta Melawai Branch Office, this is proven based on the results of F tests or simultaneous tests with a total probability value of 0.000 < 0.05 and a calculated F value. > F table is 71.627 > 3.13.
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