Analisis Jenis Kesulitan Pembuktian Matematis


  • Intan Sari Daulay Universitas Islam Negri Sumatera Utara
  • Rusli Ulfa Hasanah Universitas Islam Negri Sumatera Utar
  • Nabila Azrila Marpaung Universitas Islam Negri Sumatera Utar



Proof, Mathematics, Barriers


A very interesting phenomenon in the very rapid development of technology is the current period of 2016-2024 where various mathematical learning applications can be very easily accessed, mathematical proof is different from proof in other fields of science, mathematical proof always produces data reliability. The Ministry of Education always strives to provide innovation in the world of education in various branches of science. The research method used in this research uses the study review research method. In mathematics and computer science, a proof must be thought out and tested well before being accepted. However, the evidence found was wrong. Mathematical proof has become commonplace among undergraduate researchers in the field of education. Mathematical proof can be said to be a measuring tool to determine the mathematical ability of the object of research. The results of this research conclude that the obstacles to mathematical proof are influenced by several factors, namely, the decline in students' algebra skills, the existence of students' algebra operational errors, students' thinking errors in deception and the absence of valid evidence. Strong in carrying out mathematical proofs.



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How to Cite

Intan Sari Daulay, Rusli Ulfa Hasanah, & Nabila Azrila Marpaung. (2024). Analisis Jenis Kesulitan Pembuktian Matematis . JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN ILMU SOSIAL (JUPENDIS), 2(3), 79–89.