Analisis Peminatan Siswa Kelas XII Smait Baitul Muslim Lampung Timur Terhadap Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi Di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
specialization, geography, educationAbstract
The article discusses the trend in the interest of 12th-grade students in geography studies, especially in the field of applied geography in education, at a state university. Research shows that in recent years, there has been a decrease in the number of students who study applied geography as part of their studies at Indonesian universities. Research has shown that in recent years, there has been a decrease in the number of students who study applied geography at the Indonesian University of Education. The researchers are interested to find out whether the decreasing number of students in Indonesia Education University’s geography education program can be influenced by grade 12 pupils' interest in geography, particularly about their studies. Using the questionnaire method to collect data, this research was conducted with a sample of 12th-grade students at Baitul Muslim High School in East Lampung. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and qualitatively, which concluded that students' interest in geography, especially in education, has the potential to influence the decline in the number of students in Indonesia Education University geography education study program from year to year.
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