Performance-Focused Human Resource Development In IT Consulting Firms


  • Umi Kulsum University 17 August 1945
  • Titin Ruliana University 17 August 1945
  • Nurfitriani Nurfitriani University 17 August 1945
  • Heriyanto Heriyanto University 17 August 1945



Human resources, employee performance, IT consultant


Performance-focused human resource development in IT consulting firms. The purpose of implementing this program is to find out the management of human resources that occurs in the company, how companies manage  human resources so that performance i mprovements can occur in IT consulting companies and what efforts have been made by companies to  manage their companies that have an impact on improving performance as well as what assessment methods used by companies to measure employee performance. Problems that arise such as excessive working hours and other problems can be found in this new start-up company. The method used in this activity is online (using the Zoom us application, Google Meet) and face-to-face. The results of the research conducted indicate that employee performance  is very good, companies can find solutions to their employee performance problems by providing some training, mentoring to bonuses that  can increase motivation so that  employee performance can increase and have a good influence on employees. The company uses the graph rating scale method  and the  alternative ranking method, where the  employee who gets the  top rank will be given an annual bonus by the company.


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How to Cite

Umi Kulsum, Titin Ruliana, Nurfitriani Nurfitriani, & Heriyanto Heriyanto. (2023). Performance-Focused Human Resource Development In IT Consulting Firms. International Journal of Management Research and Economics, 1(2), 51–60.